Shaving Brush Tree, Pseudobombyax ellipticum is a member of the Mallow and Hibiscus family.
These brush shaped flowers bloomed in south Florida at Imbolc, early February, heralding the beginning of Spring.
The flower looks like a bunch of light rays shooting forth, with the momentum of the Wood energy of Spring, breaking through the seed coating and hard earth.
Shaving brush flower will shine its light into all the dusty dark corners, brushing out any remnants of debris so the new energy of Spring may come in strong. A remedy that is great for Spring cleaning, as a room spray, or taken internally to detox after a long Winter. It will also give an energetic boost to get things moving after the long winter slumber.
- a constitutional formula for all the Wood Element dogs and cats.
- a detox formula to get stagnant energy moving in the Liver and Spleen.
- if there are any "left overs" from recent illnesses or emotional states that have not quite cleared, this may be the remedy to finish it off.
- energy is needed to get off to a new start, new beginning in life
Stock Bottle Ingredients: Pure spring water, organic French cognac to preserve, flower and stone essences listed above.
For more info on what it's good for and administration please visit FAQS page and blog "WHAT'S IT GOOD FOR?"
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