Snake plant, Sanseveria trifasciata,
The flowers were gathered from a large stand of wild-growing snake plant, in full bloom during the beginning of February, at Imbolc, the cross-quarter holiday.
Snake plant is an excellent air filtering pant. Its broad leaves absorb toxins and carbon dioxide, while continuing to give off oxygen even during the night. It grows wild in large stands, its leaves lined up like the baffles on an air filtration unit.
The flowers themselves are shaped like bottle brushes and the stamens look just like nerve fibers. The essence is a perfect Spring cleaning plant, to remove the dirt and grime of winter, including emotional debris left behind that may be effecting the nervous system, ie creating anxiety, stress, negativity, depression.
Indications: lung and respiratory issues, asthma, nervous system disorders, seizures, neuro-toxin exposure or detox, spring cleaning/detox.
It will bring a breath of clean, fresh air into you or your pet's life!
This essence came about right before the pandemic officially hit, before everyone began wearing masks. It was no accident to find a plant that literally filters the air we breathe, and that may energetically strengthen our own bodies ability to filter the air we breathe.
Stock Bottle: Pure spring water, organic French cognac to preserve, flower essence listed above.
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