All four flower essences in the Pandemic Collection plus a special stone elixir included at no charge and available ONLY with this kit.
A total of 5 bottles to mix and match throughout this birth portal. They may be used orally, diluted in water or tea, topically on chakras or acupuncture points, or as a spray mist.
The stone elixir was made on the Full Moon March 10, 2020 within a grid of Green tourmaline, Emerald, Andaras: sea-foam elder and green, and Moldavite. It contains:
Green Tourmaline; clearing, detoxifying, protecting, connecting to Gaia and the plant devic kingdom
Emerald: heart ray and specific for infections, viral and bacterial
Noble Shungite: detoxifying
Read the introduction to the Pandemic Collection and the individual descriptions of the flower essences for more information.
These are not cures for the virus but allies to guide us through the portal.
Stock Bottle Ingredients: Pure spring water, organic French cognac to preserve, flower and stone essences listed above.
For more info on what it's good for and administration please visit FAQS page and blog "WHAT'S IT GOOD FOR?"