- Earth Constitutional types. Please check out the quiz at drjosies5elements.com to find out what 5 Element constitution your dog is.
- To balance the Earth Element: gastrointestinal imbalances, TCVM Spleen/Stomach, unable to digest life experiences, stress resulting in GI upset, grounding, "earthing"
To support nurture and nourish the Middle Jiao: animals who care for others at their own expense, the peace-makers, over-worrying, emotional sponges, reconnecting to the mother, to source of nourishment
Banana: "Calm, centered nourishment"
- calming, centering, grounding back to the Earth
- useful for high energy times when some rest and nourishment is needed
- for feelings of overwhelm
Petrified Wood + Lichen + Moss: "Ancestral Community"
- reconnects to ancestral energy, memories of which are held in the Earth, ancient tree and plant life
- extracting and receiving nourishment and nurturing from the hardest of places: lichen can grow on almost anything and moss absorbs water and nutrients directly from air through its leaves
- living in harmony in community or the pack; lichen is a composite organism, made up of interdependent algae+fungi species that nurture one another
Mango Tree + Orange Calcite: "sweet, juicy energy"
- Essence made when the mother tree was heavy with juicy sweet mangoes during Beltane, fertile Spring.
- Orange and yellow is associated with Earth, as is sweetness.
- Calcite amplifies energy and cleanses, renewing and restoring
Ganoderma mushroom spp., wild-forest Reishi "Bridge of Transmutation"
- Transformation: neither plant or animal, fungi exists in the in-between, transforming decaying plant material into fertile rich Earth
- Transmutation: it detoxifies, transmuting toxins
- Strengthens: immune system, boundaries
Live Oak (Quercus virginiana): "Mother of the Forest"
- a Guardian and Matrix-holder of southern forests, she spreads her branches and roots wide, like a Mother holding her arms over her children for protection.
- She remains green throughout winter and supports whole communities of other trees and epiphytic plants within her branches.
- Lends support, strength and a center of nourishment to the whole forest community, and your pack or family as well.
For more info on what it's good for and administration please visit FAQS page.
Stock Bottle: Pure spring water, organic French cognac to preserve, flower and stone essences listed above.
Five Element Kit: 1 oz STOCK bottle, empty 1 oz DOSAGE bottle, 1 fine mist top, 5 Element collar charm, surprise for human.
For more info see BLOG
Deluxe Kit: 1 oz STOCK bottle, 1 oz empty DOSAGE bottle, 1 fine mist top
Just the Elixir: 1 oz STOCK bottle
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